RED-TeamHDA Blackpool 2021

CCCC RED-TeamHDA 4th July 2021 Manchester to Blackpool ride in aid of the Huntington's Disease Association CCCC and a team put together by the sponsor, RED CCTV, rode the Manchester to Blackpool event on the 4th July to raise money for the the Huntington's Disease Association. This event has raised just over £7.5K to date (nearly £10K with gift aid), but the fundraising will now move to the Manchester Marathon on the 10th October. A small team from the Crompton Harriers will be taking part along with anyone else I can convince it's a good idea! The day was a great success with only a short period of inclement weather (biblical rain...) on the run in to Preston... the wet conditions caused a

Manchester – Blackpool – Manchester ride 04/07/2021

CCCC and the sponsor Red CCTV will be riding the annual Manchester to Blackpool event this year in aid of the Huntington's Disease Association as "RED-Team HDA" - We are raising money for the association via our JustGiving team page: You can read about why in this article by our Club chairman's wife, Emma: Please support us if you can!

Manchester to Blackpool – Sunday 05 Jul 2020 Sunday 05 Jul 2020 The Piazza, MediaCityUK, Salford, M50 2EQ 60 miles (approx) - suitable for Road/Hybrid/Mountain bike The fantastic Manchester to Blackpool ride is a very popular event with cyclists of all abilities. The route covers 60 miles from Media City Manchester, with lots of refreshment stops along the scenic country lanes of Lancashire, and finishes on the South Promenade in Blackpool. The Christie charity team will welcome you over the finish line, then join your friends and families with food, beer tent, live music and a well-earned massage. The Christie Manchester to Blackpool Bike Ride is The Christie charity’s largest cycling event that is attended by over 4,000 cyclists each year. The money raised from The Christie Manchester to Blackpool

Tour de Manc – “Half Manc” 3rd May 2020 8 Boroughs 100Km 5000ft This is a tough challenge for the fit occasional rider. This route is not a flat procession, but an achievable challenge, which you will enjoy. We had incredible feedback from the 2017 and 2018 event and we are sure we will see many of those riders back again in 2019. Why not take a look at our Gallery page and facebook reviews ! They are #epic The Half Manc is 62 miles / 100km long and shares the first 50 Miles of the Full Manc Route. The Half Manc also starts and finishes at the David Lloyd Manchester North Club – who have generously donated the use of their club facilities and are providing great support. It takes